Friday, August 22, 2008

Fighting For A Cure

Over the past few months, I have heard the stories of three women I know who are fighting breast cancer.  They are fighting hard and they are winning.  All three are an incredible inspiration to me.  I wanted to find a way to support them by giving back the best way I know how--through photography.  I will be doing three shoots this summer and fall in honor of these three incredible, brave and amazing women.  In lieu of payment, I will be donating the cost of the sitting fee and a donation will be made in their names to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation.  

Yesterday's shoot was for you Mindy... We thought about you every step of our walk through Central Park.  

A HUGE HUGE HUGE thank you to the wonderful family we photographed yesterday.  Not only are they all insanely beautiful, they were unbelievably fun to work with.  I can't tell you how grateful I am to you for coming all the way into the City (during rush hour no less!) and for letting me drag you all over Central Park.  Your children are simply gorgeous and I loved every minute I got to work with all of you.  Thank you for being so generous with your time and for being so enthusiastic about my reasons for doing your shoot.  Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Unbelievable!!! I am so choked up looking at the pictures and knowing the reason for them. You have touched me in so many ways. I want to thankyou for your generiousity, your friendship and your support. It is things like this that make LIFE better and brighter!!! xoxoMindy